Friday, October 17, 2014


Metal craft is one of Balinese culture that has been occupied since the ancient Bali time. Metal crafts such as kris ( dagger / Belati ), wadung ( axe / kapak ), crowbar ( alat besi ), hurt ( sickle / sabit ), sasap (sort of trowel / sekop ), and armor (Kurug).

Klungkung is one of Bali regency  that preserve the heritage by keeping craftmen skilled on  making metal crafts. The craftsmen working in Pande Besi, Kusamba village, Dawan district, Klungkung - Bali

C'est Pourquoi Indonesie....???

How savory & delicious these steam rice, is embedded in the hearts of my Hinduism family until to grand- children in this modern century because your honesty  love to this life in Klungkung - Bali land ........

Balinese life during the Dutch Colonial Era and the year after the Dutch Colonial .....Klungkung, Bali

  " Allahu Akbar .... !!" My eyes can be opened .... how beautiful this life with education in the school ....... the beauty of life with higher education modernization .... ... You have presented for us in this land, "Matur suksme saking desa Sampalan kelod ( Great Thank you from Sampalan Kelod Village )..!!
 " Allahu Akbar....!!!" My God - Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa show me the way to treat my stupid, my wild, my poorness, my wild sexual willingness.....etc.

The Breath of Islam Wali Songo enters to Bali island as the growth of Gelgel kingdom, in the late of 13th century as a very good relationship with Majapahit kingdom. The ancient Muslim society of Klungkung are situated at Kampung Gelgel , Kampung Lebah, Kampung Jawa, and Kampung Kusamba. 

Muslim descent of Banjar are living at  Kusamba village with many relics of ancient Muslims, such as the Tomb of the village leader/ Makam Wali  and the Quran has reached an estimated age of 400 years. The Quran is the handwriting of the great scholars from Bugis.

Life limiting yourself  from the development or friends who has high quality professional skill will be caused of all life troubles on yours ..... !! Wahai ORANG BALI ...., let us increase our ability to communicate, be respectful to your INDONESIAN Brothers, Sisters and Friends......!! Please try to learn and be honest appreciate others INDONESIAN  people opinions and attention......!!!

Scorching heat of the sun and can not stop the stinging salt farmers in Kusamba village, KlungkungDry season becomes a blessing for the farmers who tried to boost their salt production.

Villagers in Kusamba village largely support themselves by farming. Iron craftsmen also still preserved in this village, especially dagger / keris craft. Dagger craft in benefits as means upakara / ceremonies utensils in Hinduism religion of Bali ceremonies, Using as Bali fashion accessory, the arts collection which has high aesthetic value. Maintenance to mix wrought iron has been passed by the ancestors of Indonesia since the days of Hindu, Balinese craftsmen can make beautiful dagger / keris.

The most rarely craft dagger/ keris and only can be found in Banjar Pande, Kusamba village - Klungkung, Bali. 

Balinese celebrate Tumpek Landep on Saniscara pon, wuku Landep once every 6 months. Tumpek Landep is one of Balinese Hindu ceremony to present our gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa is down to the earth and give thought to human acumen weapon shaped like a tapered / pointed, namely: keris / dagger, spears / tombak and swords / pedang.

Implementation of the conserved Tumpek landep ceremony, the prayers are not only celebrate the weapons made of iron but other equipments also, containing elemental iron or moving objects can be made ​​of metal such as (motorcycle, car) household appliances and others. Balinese Hindus make offerings for all of the equipments from metal in order to simplify and facilitate the activities of human beings in their daily lives.

Thank you,

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