Saturday, November 1, 2014

BASE of LOVE.....

How efforts to save coral reefs in Badung region, Bali as Bali tourism center  ... ?? Badung regency government design some areas without any reclamation project, includes : the area of ​​Tanjung Benoa - Nusa Dua, Pemige - Geger, Sawangan Kutuh - Ungasan, Pecatu, Jimbaran, Tuban - Kuta. Badung Development Underwater Cultural Park (BUCP) in Samuk, Tanjung Benoa. Garden artificial reefs (artificial reef) under the sea that comes in the form of sculpture works of art that will add to the attractiveness of the underwater attractions for tourists who love diving and snorkeling.

Bravo INDONESIA .... , Bravo My BALI .....

Hi, Nuda Penida , Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan islands have amazing beautiful natural, rich of culture and art of Bali which is pretty live in Bali society, creative Balinese can produce handicraft with high value and these small islands also have incredible underwater sea view.

The presence of ocean currents makes the waters of these islands are pretty cool and very clear, have  beautiful reef fishes and productive, there are turtles, sharks, gray corals and silver-tips. On August to October, we can find Mola - mola sunfish ( The weird and wonderful fishes ) from underwater sea of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan, Bali.

Welcome and enjoy diving, snorkeling in Nusa Penida island, Bali.
Diving location in the waters of Nusa Penida island as: Manta Point, Crystal Bay, Gamat Bay, Malibu Point, Lembongan Bay, Toya Pakeh, Blue corner, Sampalan, SD point.

Clear water, we can see many mackerels, tunas and pelagics that trickle coming from the bottom of the reef. Seabed that offer in this type of soft and hard corals are rich of various species of reef fish. Advice for secure the beginners, please choose Lembongan Bay as the location for diving. It is much agreeable and secure place for you......

The peaceful of life will be eternal stay on this life, if we always implement love of life to our neighbors, friends in this world. Why we should torture, discriminate, killing as animals habit, if it is just for the lust of existing human hearts. I am Balinese, INDONESIAN who loves peaceful in this world. I am working  in Bali tourism and much working together with foreign friends from all over the world have shown affection for my life and much care to our Bali tourism. My professional seniors foreign friends always share their quality ( As quality people from advanced country ...!! ) and teach me, to make simple for all troubles which arrived to our live. " PEACE........!!! "
I really appreciate it and  Thank you very much from Bali .....!!! Thank you for your recognition that I am Balinese, I am INDONESIAN who stay in my nation life style, my nation culture and my nation character. Without keeping any Dutch colonial habit influence from the ancient era......!!! 
Continue live by up grade  modernization on education, modernization of competency skill training, modernization of my country taste and  modernization again......!!  

The news said " the women no cooking in USA" but in Bali  i can not Eating ....!!!
 Heeee.......heee.......i am hungry

Appreciate your attention with the deepest love of life  to my home, my Bali island. May God Bless You and keep wait for your new music and movie which will delivery Bali culture as your innovation theme.

Tour the island of Nusa Penida, Klungkung regency, Bali, as marine protected areas. Nusa Penida have extensive coral reefs, mangroves and sea grass fields / padang lamun. Coral reef ecosystems that are useful as a carbon sink, breaking ocean waves, producing fish for fishermen coastal area. Mangrove forests and seagrass beds / padang lamun as an antidote to abrasion, tsunami, and addressing climate change.

  An assortment of marine animals such as manta rays, turtles, sharks, whales, dolphins, dugongs, green turtles and hawksbill turtles, and Mola-Mola Fishes (Sun Fish) sustainable living in the waters of Nusa Penida island.

The beauty coral reefs in the waters of Nusa Lembongan island, Klungkung into the power to attractive  travelers with varieties of water sport activities such as diving, snorkeling, canoe and surfing. Hard effort and hard work of INDONESIAN surfers present Nusa Lembongan island as an international surfing destination - Laceration spot Nusa Lembongan.

Would you like to explore the mangrove forests with traditional canoe? Let's sail in the waters of Nusa Lembongan island which has spacious mangrove forest. Mangroves are not familiar with the summer or rainy season, always green without autumn .

Slightly different from the existing mangrove forests and the largest Bali mangrove forest in Suwung region,
Badung Regency ( Close to Kuta district ), which is already available in the form of wooden bridge of trekking paths and can be used by pedestrians. But mangroves in Nusa Lembongan island has rivers that branched explore the beauty of the forest with the estuary leading to the beach, like out of the cave and enjoy the beautiful nature with clear water.

Beautiful Nusa Penida Island has the potential dragon fruit cultivation, introduce Tanglad village, Nusa Penida - Bali. Structure sandy and rocky soil is suitable for plants of this dragon fruits. At first this fruit is native from Mexico, Central America and South America (Latin name : Hylocereus undatus). Stem plants contain of waxy coating that serves to store water reserves and avoid high evaporation ( As the kind of cactus plants).

Dragon fruit contains calories, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, fiber and water content. And very beneficial to health, such as: Preventing Cancer, Maintain Heart Health, Preventing Diabetes Mellitus, Enhance Immune, Maintaining Healthy Skin, Neutralize Poison, Caring for Eye Health, Inhibits Aging, Strengthen bones and teeth, Lowering Cholesterol, Appetite Enhancer and Asthma drugs.

Modernization of fruits cultivation, making potential of dragon fruits farm will grow up on gorgeous island - Nusa Penida , Bali

90% from population of Nusa Penida island making seaweed cultivation as their life support. Seaweeds farmers planted "spinosum seaweed ". This type are rare seaweed type(confirmed by farmers, a number of researchers from IPB Bogor and the Agriculture Faculty - Udayana University) and also foreign researchers.

Seaweed farm can be found in the coastal area of Nusa Penida. Some villages as seaweed production center in Nusa Penida : Suana Village, Batununggul, Kutampi Kaler, Ped, Toyapakeh and other villages including Nusa Penida. Jungut Batu village and Lembongan, Nusa Lembongan either.

Jadilah Anak Terampil dari Usia Dini.......

Om Swastiastu.....

Dampak negatif pembangunan pariwisata sudah semakin menyelimuti kehidupan masyarakat dibali sebagai pulau wisata. Berbagai kebiasaan negatif yang di import dari orang asing juga makin melekat dalam kebiasaan hidup masa Bali...!! Jangan katakan " Tidak" !! Kasus jambret, perkosa, pembunuhan, prostitusi, night live sudah makin marak dalam hidup kita di Bali....!! 

Dan virus HIV / AIDS juga sudah menyerang masa Bali, dan bahkan menyerang remaja usia sekolah. Sisa kemiskinan & kebodohan dalam masa Bali setelah zaman perang belum berhasil 100% diperbaiki. Karena perkembangan pariwisata, kebodohan menjadi momok dengan merubah gaya hidup asli orang bali. Namun setiap persoalan harus dicarikan pemecahan yang lebih up to date.....dan tidak perlu harus saling benci antar satu sama lain karena tertimpa masalah. 

Kegiatan belajar di sekolah harus terus ditingkatkan untuk menciptakan remaja dengan kwalitas akademis tinggi. Kegiatan ektrakulikuler seperti GUDEP, PMI, Olahraga, dll harus semakin diaktifkan untuk menigkatkan kinerja remaja Bali. Selain kemampuan akademis, remaja Bali juga diharapkan mampu menghapus kebiasaan buruk yang bisa menyebabkan peningkatan pasien AIDS/ HIV. Mereka juga harus diperkenalkan modernisasi dengan : mengajak siswa sekolah mengunjungi hasil pembangunan di semua sektor di pulau Bali atau pulau diluar Bali. Berikan contoh seorang tokoh yang bisa mereka tiru dalam menigkatkan daya belajar mereka. Lakukanlah studi banding kesekolah - sekolah yang memiliki fasilitas dan program yang lebih lengkap sehingga mereka bisa membuka cara pandang mereka sejak dini.

Perkenalkan suatu ketrampilan yang bisa menggiring mereka kearah profesionalisme kerja sejak usia dini. Seperti :

1.Menjadi siswa sekolah surfing, sepakbola, bulutangkis, bola basket, dll apabila memiliki cita - cita menjadi atlet suatu cabang olahraga.

2.Pelatihan engineer seperti, bengkel, kelistrikan, otomotif, dll yang ingin menekuni    pekerjaan engineering

3.Pelatihan memasak, menjahit, berkebun, hasta karya, dll untuk menjadikan mereka tenaga yang trampil di bidang ini.

4.Pelatihan bahasa asing, salurkan keinginan mereka untuk bisa mengusai bahasa asing seperti : inggris, jepang, perancis, jerman, dll untuk mereka yang suka bahasa asing

5.Pelatihan kecantikan, sekolah mereka kesekolah beauty salon atau sekolah spa. Dimana mereka akan bisa menguasai ketrampilan ilmu kecantikan

6.Pelatihan komputer, zaman teknology dituntut untuk semakin menguasai komputer sehingga mereka bisa belajar & bekerja dengan kemajuan teknology

7.Pelatihan pertanian, peternakan, perkebuan untuk menjadikan mereka sebagai remaja yang ahli dalam bidang pertanian dan mahir dalam telnology pertanian.

8.Pelatihan menari, musik, entertaiment, advertising, dll untuk remaja yang senang bekerja dalam bidang entertaiment. Pada bidang ini remaja bali harus terus diberikan pendidikan disiplin yang tinggi dan mampu membangun entertaiment dengan budaya Bangsa Indonesia.


Thank you,

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