Thursday, October 12, 2017

Gorgeous Dewa Mesraman at Panti Timbrah Temple

The green hilly, adding to the natural charm brings  us to the village peaceful. Cool breeze blows from the northern part of Paksebali village, Klungkung.

Beauty Edelweiss  as the diamond flowers add the charm of Agung  mountain valley.  Clear, winding rivers, dividing the countryside in the green of Agung Mountain slopes. The enchanting rice fields – terraced welcome the sun’s sight from the east, connecting Paksebali village , Klungkung with  magnifique village full of charm in Iseh village, Sidemen, Eastern of Bali island, Karangasem regency.

Stretched beauty of sacred Agung mountain, fascinating every visitor of  cool Iseh village. A charming place that inspires the creation of German national painter – Walter Spies and a Swiss national named Theo Meier.

Before the independence of Indonesia, the beauty of  Iseh village of was well known for the services of these painters. They pour their creativity in the form of paintings depicting the landscape of Iseh village and the life of its people.

Please STOP blame the native Balinese !! STOP …… !!! Do not be surprised if the beauty nature  and culture of society in Iseh village is very well known to foreign people …. !!!

Since the golden age of the Balinese kingdom, the Balinese dancers also  have been very active in promoting this beautiful island. Especially the beauty of nature & culture of  Balinese in Ubud, Middle-East of Bali island.

Simplicity in civilized lifestyle bring the fashion into high value heritage, intellect modern from western fashion – announced that villagers in Payangan village, Ubud – Bali has arrived on Switzerland treatment on their daily healthy habits. Yeahhh… proud for that, the dream come true, the civilized Bali culture meet my idea to distribute the lifestyle  innovation for beloved Ubud, Middle -east, Bali island.

“…… les chiens dans un abri, garder toujours bien des competition quand ils ont faim. pourquoi …?? C’est des sauvage peut être ….!! Mais, quand très …très faim comme le lion, ils ont aller à tuer  ….!! Mort……!! Comme rêver au-dessus des nuages, les aveugles ne voient pas … !! ……..”

Today is so tiring, not felt an hour i already spend  to rest. I enjoy my world more, by drinking a cup of sweet coffee – try to research the real paradise coffee explore……. I am increasingly fanatical to try coffee – my beloved indigenous coffee. Sweet and fragrant taste healed this headache, I drink Colol coffee – original Manggarai, Flores – East Nusa Tenggara. May peace always cover my footsteps for brighter future than yesterday.

Fanatical habits are also increasingly sustainable in the tradition of my family, who always drink black coffee at breaking time together and when visiting my family home. Bali Luwak – Civet Coffee is increasingly popular in my family desire at  Klungkung, Bali

Ibu & Bapakku ” INDONESIA ” – pusat Ajaran dan Nafas Kehidupanku

The knife I slept to form young coconut leaf – janur that is in my hand. The shape of the leaf  made with very beautiful flower shades. Unbeatable peace of heart …..

Sandalwood mild  pour over the beauty of “ Canang sari “, fragrant incense placed side of it and ready presented to the temple

 In my mind are stored the stories of  unique traditions of the community in Paksebali village, Dawan, Klungkung, Bali ” Dewa Mesraman tradition at Panti Timbrah Temple”.

This tradition has beeing preserved with hereditary since the time of 1500 BC until now. This sacred ceremony is celebrated every 6 months, coinciding with Kuningan day celebration.

 Tradition Dewa Masraman this update  begins with “ Ida Bathara “  is symbolized by “Jempana tedun” to perform sanctity, the number of “ Jempana “  there are seven symbolizes ” Sapta Rsi “

 The “ Jempana”  that has contained the Pratima is adorned and carried by the youth for “Mesucian” –  sanctity  performed in Tukad Unda or Taman Segening accompanied by local residents, aims to invoke holy water, clean up the soul and body before the peak ritual process is carried out. After completion of “ mesucian “  Ida Batara is brought back to the temple to dance  “mesolah” as form of community togetherness, then spins three times (murwa daksina) which contains meaning toward the path of peace, where life is inseparable from the element of birth, life and death. And hopefully will bring peaceful to society.

Thank you, 

Luh wahyuni

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