Oh God….
Please do not leave me ….
To split my way from this minute ….
The eternal heart till the end
I love you so …..
Hi, Teman - teman...aku lagi kangen banget ...cerita bareng nih !! Kemarin
kepet Bali bikin kepala berat plus....!!! Serem and ngagetin, si kepet Bali
pake ganti warga negara, nggak lucu deh...Goblok....kok kepet.....???
Dimulai dengan mengajak si kepet lokal berbusiness
di south east asia, terpengaruh tidak percaya pada pemerintah Bangsa Indonesia, memakai
pasar bali untuk menjual produk bangsa yang dianutnya. Bertingkah polah seperti
mereka, malas dan bermulut besar. Si kepet " Babi amat " mulutnya
tanah kavling, menguasai perekrutan
karyawan. Tidak percaya dengan ilmu terapan Bangsa Indonesia lagi, hanya
dan si Asing kepet " We do as we want and we like....., Managemement
lokal buat business dari perekrutan karyawan - KKN !! They like yang
Goblok dan sombong....!! Membunuh remaja Bali " INDONESIA " dengan
mengecilkan arti keterampilan kami. Bersikeras membuat remaja Bali jadi
pengangguran dan mematikan ide kreatif kami dengan " Intimidasi "
......fanatik, Arogan .....
Astungkara...Ucap syukur Alhamdulillah " Muslim INDONESIA Muslim Walisongo " abadi selamanya (Indonesian Muslim Only ). Semoga kepet Bali, menerima phala dari karmanya. " Setelah makanan ' lompo ' habis, .....lari kebelakang tidak bisa jadi pengidepan....dan semoga cepat mati kering, tinggal kulit pembalut tulang, serta diiringi hujan abu, kerikil, dilibas tank, masekolah sing, liar, bawa Goblok-nya...!!!"
Astungkara...Ucap syukur Alhamdulillah " Muslim INDONESIA Muslim Walisongo " abadi selamanya (Indonesian Muslim Only ). Semoga kepet Bali, menerima phala dari karmanya. " Setelah makanan ' lompo ' habis, .....lari kebelakang tidak bisa jadi pengidepan....dan semoga cepat mati kering, tinggal kulit pembalut tulang, serta diiringi hujan abu, kerikil, dilibas tank, masekolah sing, liar, bawa Goblok-nya...!!!"
Beautiful fishing village "
Jimbaran village, Kuta - Bali, Indonesia " more
interesting with the eternal breath of the youth combine by the origin Bali spirit
from traditional cafes. All are created
by the youth in Jimbaran,
fishermen village.
Natural Aquarium which are created, providing marvelous comfort for visitors.
Delicious “ Lemuru” ( Kind of fishes ), from Jimbaran, Kuta is already famous among Kuta lovers. Grilled fish “ lemuru’ is always live in my head, with refined Bali seasoning as mind……Smelled savory appetizing meal .....
Lobster, excellent seafood. Served with Indonesian culinary arts, providing a beautiful dream come true, when eaten together with all families.
“ Sambal “ chili paste, typical of “ Lalapan “ with little bit lime juices on the side. Feels find the dream taste come true…..
Natural Aquarium which are created, providing marvelous comfort for visitors.
Delicious “ Lemuru” ( Kind of fishes ), from Jimbaran, Kuta is already famous among Kuta lovers. Grilled fish “ lemuru’ is always live in my head, with refined Bali seasoning as mind……Smelled savory appetizing meal .....
Lobster, excellent seafood. Served with Indonesian culinary arts, providing a beautiful dream come true, when eaten together with all families.
Spiritual Tourism
in Sakenan Temple ( Serangan Island) add the harmonies of the God tranquility. Inspiration to continue this imagination, adrift of the waves under the sea sunset of fishing
village, Jimbaran - Kuta, Bali, INDONESIA.
Lalapan Ayam " Crispy fried Chicken with
chili paste & salad " - East Java, Indonesia
Ehhmmm ... the
smell of savory chicken above the cauldron, so appetizing....
Although My throat still hurts, and tongue still feels bitter when eaten. But all gone by the delicious taste of chicken salad “ Lalapan Ayam “ from Eastern Java.
On the recent of Bali island Mode, this culinary of chicken salad “ Lalapan Ayam “.is already getting entrenched to enjoy for lunching as well as dining either.
Although My throat still hurts, and tongue still feels bitter when eaten. But all gone by the delicious taste of chicken salad “ Lalapan Ayam “ from Eastern Java.
On the recent of Bali island Mode, this culinary of chicken salad “ Lalapan Ayam “.is already getting entrenched to enjoy for lunching as well as dining either.
“ Sambal “ chili paste, typical of “ Lalapan “ with little bit lime juices on the side. Feels find the dream taste come true…..
Please do not
miss it…!! Add your culinary experiences by enjoy delicate fresh Chicken salad “
Lalapan Ayam “ from Eastern Java, INDONESIA
Sambal Petai Prawns " Sambal Petai Udang " - East Java, Indonesia
Sambal Bajak from Java Island
is already well known in Bali
tourism cuisine. Since starting my leg journey in Bali tourism found the International Chef resort where I
work as "Australian,
Germany, etc " really likes to innovate Indonesian dishes
with sambal bajak of Java.
Tasty and delicious crispy shrimps, an option for dinner with international standard. I find " Petai " ( petai, bean bitter, twisted cluster bean, or stink stinker bean) to be excellent Indonesian sambal / sauce, served with fried shrimps.
Beautiful memories with beautiful Ibu – Ibu in large and elegant traditional market “ Pasar Besar “ Malang, East Java. Handful Petai released at reasonable price, special gifts for me " the eternal love never break a promise ...."
Petai unbelievably popular
in use for Javanese
cuisine (Especially Sundanese)
and Sumatra (Minangkabau).
In Bali tourists major, it is very easy to find dishes with fried Petai, especially at Indonesia food centers of “ Lalapan “ East Java, Sumatra cuisine, and Java or Sumatra mixed rices “ Nasi campur “
In Bali tourists major, it is very easy to find dishes with fried Petai, especially at Indonesia food centers of “ Lalapan “ East Java, Sumatra cuisine, and Java or Sumatra mixed rices “ Nasi campur “
OK, request “ Petai
“ for your fabulous party in INDONESIA
Serombotan " Mixed Vegetables with peanuts sauce " - Klungkung, Bali- Indonesia
Imagine.... How
beautiful and gentle my Ibu – Ibu / mother’s hands in Klungkung, Bali. When their
dishes innovations able to attract buyers and Ibu Bali able to sustain family life by sell mixed boiled vegetables with peanuts chilli sauces " Serombotan
Klungkung ".
Vegetable dishes' Serombotan Klungkung "already known by public in Bali. Because typical taste of peanut sauce," Sambal Nyuh "( Seasoning grated young coconut ), served with fried nuts, rice’s cakes, boiled vegetables.
My aunt is very experienced to provide seasoning grated young coconut. Every ceremony celebration at my home. We always serves " Serombotan Klungkung" for all our family and neighbors who come to our home help us to conduct family ceremony.
Boiled sprouts, kale vegetables, fried peanuts, seasoning grated young coconut, peanut sauce, etc. Appetizing vegetables cuisine lovers. Let's try , " Serombotan Klungkung " very easy to find in all traditional markets of Klungkung, Bali
Vegetable dishes' Serombotan Klungkung "already known by public in Bali. Because typical taste of peanut sauce," Sambal Nyuh "( Seasoning grated young coconut ), served with fried nuts, rice’s cakes, boiled vegetables.
My aunt is very experienced to provide seasoning grated young coconut. Every ceremony celebration at my home. We always serves " Serombotan Klungkung" for all our family and neighbors who come to our home help us to conduct family ceremony.
Boiled sprouts, kale vegetables, fried peanuts, seasoning grated young coconut, peanut sauce, etc. Appetizing vegetables cuisine lovers. Let's try , " Serombotan Klungkung " very easy to find in all traditional markets of Klungkung, Bali
Goats Satay Madura “ Sate Kambing Madura “ East Java, Indonesia
Expertise of Javanese
to cook satay, already very famous among culinary lover. The sweet taste and
distinctive flavor of Java gives a different flavor than other spices.
Java also the expert on tenderize the meats. They choice natural materials as grated pineapple, papaya leaves, etc. to tenderize the meats. One of them is Goat meat. Embeeeekkkkk .....
Java also the expert on tenderize the meats. They choice natural materials as grated pineapple, papaya leaves, etc. to tenderize the meats. One of them is Goat meat. Embeeeekkkkk .....
Yesterday, spent my holiday by having " Goat satay " made by beloved " Mas Madura " East java. From traditional desk thrust of typical " Pasar Senggol " ( Night market ), I found the nutritious lamb satay “ Sate Kambing “ with International flavor. 2 pieces of my money, can enjoy a superb dinner. Under the trees and nearby cheerful kids who are cutes and full of happiness playing “ Odong – Odong “ ( Round small trains with kiddy music ) Hip….Hip….Hip .......
Lontong " Rice's cake " served with a dozen of goats satays. Nutty flavor typical of Madura adds delicious of this cuisine. Please make " Goats satay " , Sate Kambing as a choice of food while vacation ..... !!! You can visit traditional food stall or restaurants which provides Indonesian cuisine ...... !! Aiiihhhh ... Do not miss it !! Cheers.....
Thank you,
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